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Leišytė, L., Načinović Braje, I., Shulamit, A., Baysan, S., Carvalho, T., Daunoraitė, D., Diogo, S., Papaioannou, P., Farmaki, A., Feldman, S., Külcür, R., Matijošytė, I., Pralgauskaitė, S. & Šatkovskienė, D. (in press). Early career researchers as stakeholders in university decision-making in Europe: Comparative perspectives. Social Inclusion, 14.

Leišytė, L., Deem, R. & Načinović Braje, I. (Eds.). (in press). Diversity and change agents in higher education [Themenheft]. Social Inclusion, 14.

Zenkienė, L. & Leišytė, L. (2024). Strengthening university capacity in regional innovation ecosystem through the participation in the European Universities initiative. European Journal of Higher Education, 14(sup1), 88–108. https://doi.org/10.1080/21568235.2024.2410358

Papaioannou, P. (2024). The participation of early career researchers in the decision-making bodies of a German university. Postcolonial Directions in Education, 13(1), 188–213. Online verfügbar

Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, V., Leišytė, L., Rose, A.-L., Duobienė, J., Duoba, K., Alas, R. & Banevičienė, I. (2024). Factors influencing expatriates' adjustment in Estonia and Lithuania. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 100, 101967. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2024.101967



Leišytė, L., Dee, J. R. & van der Meulen, B. J. R. (Hrsg.) (2023). Research handbook on the transformation of higher education. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Inhalt und weitere Informationen

Broucker, B., De Wit, K., Verhoeven, J. C. & Leišytė, L. (Hrsg.). (2019). Higher education system reform: An international comparison after twenty years of Bologna. Leiden: Brill Sense. Inhalt und weitere Informationen

Leišytė, L. & Wilkesmann, U. (Hrsg.). (2016). Organizing academic work in higher education: Teaching, learning, and identities. London: Routledge. Inhalt und weitere Informationen

Žostautienė, D., Susnienė, D. & Leišytė, L. (Hrsg.). (2016). CISABE'2016. 6th International Conference on Changes in Social and Business Environment, April 28-29, 2016, Panevėžys, Lithuania. Pianoro, Bologna: Medimond. Inhalt und weitere Informationen


Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Leišytė, L. (in press). Digital platforms and their usage in higher education human resource management. In V. Laterza & D. A. Thomas (Hrsg.), Varieties of platformisation: Critical perspectives on EdTech in higher education. Palgrave Macmillan.

Leišytė, L. (2025). Higher education policy. In M. van Gerven, C. Rothmayr Allison & K. Schubert (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of public policy (Living reference work). Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90434-0_63-1

Leišytė, L. & Rose, A.-L. (2024). Academic identities. In F. Darbellay (Hrsg.), Elgar encyclopedia of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity (S. 1–4). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781035317967.ch01

Dee, J. R., Leišytė, L. & van der Meulen, B. J. R. (2023). Conceptualizing higher education transformation: introduction to the Research Handbook on the Transformation of Higher Education. In L. Leišytė, J. R. Dee & B. J. R. van der Meulen (Hrsg.), Research handbook on the transformation of higher education (S. 2–22). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800378216.00006

Leišytė, L. (2023). Passive and active resistance to performance pressures among academics in UK universities. In L. Leišytė, J. R. Dee & B. J. R. van der Meulen (Hrsg.), Research handbook on the transformation of higher education (S. 351–365). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800378216.00033

Leišytė, L., Dee, J. R. & van der Meulen, B. J. R. (2023). Unpacking transformation in higher education and framing a future research agenda. In L. Leišytė, J. R. Dee & B. J. R. van der Meulen (Hrsg.), Research handbook on the transformation of higher education (S. 417–430). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800378216.00038

Leišytė, L. & Gozlan, C. (2023). The emergence of academic resistance platforms against new public management: towards "new" forms of movement organizing? In L. Leišytė, J. R. Dee & B. J. R. van der Meulen (Hrsg.), Research handbook on the transformation of higher education (S. 127–141). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800378216.00016
