Points to take into account while writing your bachelor's thesis
The topics you can choose for your bachelor's thesis should be highly relevant for practice and policy and the thesis should to be empirically grounded. The bachelor's thesis can be written in German or English.
At the Professorship of Higher Education, 10 bachelor's theses are supervised per semester. Requirements for supervision are:
- You fulfil the requirements for registration of a bachelor's thesis according to your examination regulation.
- You are in one of the following profiles: Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Digitalization, oder Global Management, Marketing, and Human Resources.
- You have already successfully participated in a seminar of the Professorship of Higher Education in Module 11 (Knowledge Transfer).
- You participate in and successfully complete the project seminar of the professorship (Notice: Not creditable as Fachwissenschaftliche Projektarbeit for the Bachelor Industrial Engineering).
- Parallel to project seminar and bachelor's thesis: Participation in the Research Colloquium of the Professorship.
Application for a bachelor's thesis
Application period
- 15 July to 1 August for the following winter semester
- 1 February to 15 February for the following summer semester
Application process
- Informal application by e-mail, stating the following:
- First and last name
- Matriculation number
- Competence profile
- Attended seminar in module 11 (seminar title and in which semester the seminar took place, e.g., Diversity Management in Organisationen in summer semester 2022)
- one to two possible bachelor's thesis topics with possible research questions
- Incomplete applications will not be considered.
- A response will be provided shortly after the application deadline.
Process of a bachelor's thesis
- If you have received a positive response to your application, you will first participate in the project seminar. The project seminar is a preparation for the bachelor’s thesis and a requirement to be able to register the bachelor’s thesis.
- After successful completion of the project seminar, Prof. Leišytė will write a letter to the Central Examinations Office to declare that she will be your supervisor.
- All bachelor's theses at the Professorship are empirical (i.e. the self-organized collection and analysis of data is part of every thesis). This type of thesis has a time frame of 13 weeks (for details see the Prüfungsordnung).
- The time frame (count of weeks) starts with the registration of your topic (letter from Prof. Leišytė to the Central Examinations Office).
Topic of a bachelor's thesis
The topic you choose should relate to the main research fields of the Professorship of Higher Education.
Possible Topics:
- Diversity Management and gender equality in management teams
- Factors leading to innovation success in professional organizations
- Characteristics and influences of boards in universities
- Management of organizational change in professional organizations
- The role of student entrepreneurs in creating startups on campus
- Entrepreneurship and diversity
- Knowledge-commercialisation at German universities
Change in Higher Education
- Financing of higher education
- Challenges for the freedom of teaching and research (academic freedom)
- The use of digital systems in higher education
- Internationalisation of universities
Requirements for the registration of the bachelor's thesis in the examination regulations
Requirements Bachelor of Business and Economics:
"Das Thema für die Bachelorarbeit kann erst nach Erreichen von mindestens 120 Leistungspunkten ausgegeben werden." (§ 13(4) BPO 2019).
Requirements Bachelor Industrial Engineering:
"Die Bachelorarbeit kann nach dem Erwerb von mindestens 165 LP aus abgeschlossenen Modulen gemäß § 5 Absatz 3 aufgenommen werden. Voraussetzung hierfür ist, dass folgende Module bereits bestanden sind: a) Maschinenbau: Höhere Mathematik I-III, Mechanik I-IV, Thermodynamik b) Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen: Höhere Mathematik I-II, Technische Mechanik I-II, Systemtheorie c) Logistik: Höhere Mathematik I-II, Technische Mechanik I-II, Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik." (Kapitel II, § 16(1) Prüfungsordnung Stand 27.07.2020)