Pekşen, S. (2024). A multilevel exploration of digital student recruitment at German universities. Poster presentation at the CHER 36th Annual Conference 2024 (Consortium of Higher Education Researchers), Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, September 5.
Leišytė, L., Pekşen, S., & Rose, A.-L. (2024). Managerial control and professional autonomy of academic staff in Balkan and Baltic countries. Presentation at the APIKS Hiroshima 2024 International Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, February 3.
Rose, A.-L., Pekşen, S., & Leišytė, L. (2023). Interdisciplinarity and academics' sense of belonging. Presentation at the APIKS Conference 2023, Krems, Austria, September 2.
Pekşen, S. (2023). The influence of digital student recruitment in German universities on study choice in computer science. Presentation at the ICHEM Conference 'The Future of Higher Education: Competition, Collaboration and the Global Good', Bath, United Kingdom, June 20.
Leišytė, L., Rose, A.-L., Pekşen, S., Stolz, K., & Papaioannou, P. (2023). Students as actors of change: Student perceptions and student agency in the post-COVID digital transformation of academic teaching. Paper presentation at the EURAM Conference 2023 'Transforming Business for Good', Trinity Business School, Dublin, Ireland, June 15.
Pekşen, S. (2023). Digital student recruitment in higher education: Exploring the role of digital marketing strategies in enhancing inclusion and diversity in Germany. Presentation at the 13th EUREDOCS Conference 'Higher education between selection and discrimination, elitism and universalism. Organizational and identity issues', Lausanne, Switzerland, June 15.
Leišytė, L., Pekşen, S., Rose, A.-L., & Želvys, R. (2023). Academic work and productivity – The impact of gendered work division on research publications for early career academics across European countries. Presentation at the APIKS Conference 'The academic profession moving forward: gender equality and early career researchers', Arica, Chile, January 24.
Pekşen, S., & Leišytė, L. (2022): Work satisfaction among academics: Despite or due to Lithuania's new public management reforms?. Presentation at the 5th APIKS Conference 'General Work Situation and the Working Conditions in Academia', University of Aveiro, Portugal, March 3.
Rose, A.-L., Leišytė, L., & Peksen, S. (2021). The work satisfaction of academics: Reflections against the background of NPM reforms in Lithuania. Presentation at the 43rd EAIR Forum 2021 'Transformation Fast and Slow: Quality, Trust and Digitalisation in Higher Education', Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, September 10.
Peksen, S. (2021). Digital divide and divided higher education marketing in Germany. Presentation at the American Sociological Association (ASA) 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, August 7. https://www.asanet.org/annual-meeting-2021
Rose, A.-L., Peksen, S., Leišytė, L., & Želvys, R. (2020). Academic mobility in Lithuanian higher education. Presentation at the 4th APIKS conference 'Internationalization in Higher Education', Istanbul, Turkey, December 7.
Leišytė, L., & Peksen, S. (2020). (Un)Equal opportunities at universities – Gender differences in the perception of universities' institutional structure. Poster presentation at the EMBL Conference 'Gender Roles and their Impact in Academia' organised by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), October 14-15.
Leišytė, L., Želvys, R., Bružienė, R., Rose, A.-L., & Peksen, S. (2020). Managerialism in Lithuanian higher education. Presentation at the 3rd APIKS conference 'Management and Governance of Higher Education', Vilnius, Lithuania, August 21.
Peksen, S. (2020). Your choice?! Eine wissenssoziologische Perspektive auf Geschlechterungleichheiten bei digital vermittelten Informationen für die Studienwahl. Presentation at the Annual Early Career Researchers Network (HoFoNa) of the German Society for Higher Education Research (GfHf), Hamburg, Germany, August 5.
Peksen, S. (2019). Information sources and access to German computer sciences programmes: The role of gender, age and social networks. Presentation at the SRHE Annual Conference (Society for Research into Higher Education), Newport, Wales, United Kingdom, December 11.
Peksen, S. (2019). The impact of digitalisation on access in computer science study programmes at German higher education institutions with gender implications. Poster presentation at the 14th Annual Conference of the German Association for Higher Education Research (Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung, GfHf), Magdeburg, Germany, March 21.
Peksen, S. (2019). Digitalisierung des Hochschulzugangs – Digitale und klassische Informationsquellen bei der Studienwahl von Informatikstudierenden. Invited talk at the conference 'Integration digitaler Kompetenzen unter Gender- und Diversity-Aspekten', Hannover, Germany, March 18.
Leišytė, L., Peksen, S., Želvys, R., & Rose, A.-L. (2019). Humboldt revisited – teaching and research at Lithuanian universities. Presentation at the APIKS project conference 'An International and Comparative Study of Academics’ Teaching and Research – Activities in the Knowledge Society: Main findings from the APIKS project', Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan, March 4.
Peksen, S. (2019). Flexibilisierung des Informatikstudiums. Presentation at the conference 'If in doubt – do IT: Frauen in Informatik', final conference of the project 'FRUIT-Frauen in IT', Berlin, Germany, January 24.
Peksen, S. (2018). Impact of digitalisation on higher education access: Gender implications. Poster presentation at the conference 'Women in the Digital Future: Breaking through Stereotypes', München, Germany, December 7.
Peksen, S., Hachmeister, C.-D., & Roessler, I. (2018). Students' perception of digitalisation in German computer sciences programmes. Presentation at HEIR Conference, Dublin, Ireland, September 20.
Roessler, I., Hachmeister, C.-D., & Peksen, S. (2018). Does course design matter? Preferences of female and male students regarding different aspects of course design. Presentation at the EAIR 40th Annual Forum, Budapest, Hungary, August 27.
Hachmeister, C.-D., Peksen, S., & Roessler, I. (2018). The impact of digitalisation on computer sciences programmes in Germany: Gender implications. Presentation at EARLI SIG 4 Conference, Gießen, Germany, August 29.
Peksen, S. (2018). Das Projekt FRUIT – Frauen in IT. Invited talk at the 67th Conference of Equal Opportunity Officers of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bad Boll, Germany, July 13.
Peksen, S., Rose, A.-L., & Leišytė, L. (2018). Third mission activities at Lithuanian higher education institutions. Poster presentation at the 13th Annual Conference of the German Association for Higher Education Research (Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung, GfHf), Speyer, Germany, April 12.
Peksen, S. (2017). FRUIT: Frauenanteile in Informatik steigern. Poster presentation at the Meeting of the Diversity Network (Diversity-Netzwerktreffen) 2017, Göttingen, Germany, September 14. Download: Online available