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Center for Higher Education

Digitale Werkstofflabore in Lehrveranstaltungen und als E-Prüfungsformat

Digital Materials Laboratories in Courses and as an E-examination Format

Project Description

The aim of the project DigiMatLabExam is to further develop competence-oriented and student-centered teaching and learning activities as well as forms of examination in order to increase social interaction, activation and motivation of students.

It can be achieved through the use of laboratories, as theoretical knowledge can be applied and tested in laboratories and practical transfer can be ensured (Feisel & Rosa, 2005). For economic reasons, such meaningful activities are often not planned in the early semesters (Renn et al., 2012). Nevertheless, they would actively involve and motivate students and show them a direct link to professional practice. To make this possible, the DigiMatLabExam project integrates digital laboratories into teaching and into the e-examination of the interdisciplinary course 'Fundamentals of Materials Technology'.

Together with the Chair of Materials Technology (Department of Mechanical Engineering), the Center for Higher Education (zhb) is further developing the existing teaching and examination concept with a view to the synchronously developing digital labs. A special innovation here is the first-time implementation of digital labs in an e-examination format in order to consistently implement the competence and practical orientation in the examination.

The project team from the Division of Academic Teaching and Faculty Development at the zhb alongside the Professorship of Higher Education will accompany, evaluate and reflect on the implementation of the course together with the lecturers. In addition, the student perspective is included by establishing a study committee and involving it in the development process.

Project Period

4/2024 – 3/2026

Project Team

Principal investigator
Dr.-Ing. Lukas Wojarski (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chair of Materials Technology)

Project coordination at zhb
Prof. Dr. Liudvika Leišytė (Deputy Director zhb)


Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre | Freiraum 2023