Prof. em. Dr. Arie Rip
(University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Reconstruction of Innovation Journeys
Working on an innovation is a journey full of contingencies and complexities (cf. Van de Ven et al 1999) and cannot simply be managed. But there are patterns in these journeys, and experienced actors know about them and anticipate. A further complexity appears when the journey is not limited to one organization. This is almost always the case to some extent, and can be sought after, as in open innovation and in linking up with users and other stakeholders, up to civil society organizations. It creates specific challenges when the innovation originates in an academic context. This is more complex than can be handled by so-called technology transfer offices. There is a need to map the actual variety and complexity, and identify possible lessons.
Arie Rip, educated as a chemist and philosopher at the University of Leiden, set up a program of teaching and research in Chemistry and Society in that University in the 1970s. He was Guest Professor of Science Dynamics at the University of Amsterdam (1984-1987) and Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology at the University of Twente (1987-2006) where he continues after his retirement. He has held a Visiting Professorship at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. He has led a research program on Technology Assessment of Nanotechnology (in the Dutch R&D Consortium NanoNed), and is now involved in the European Commission's push for Responsible Research and Innovation. Other main research interests include the future of science institutions.
Talk within the scope of the seminar "Entrepreneurship V"
Thursday, 7 January 2016, 4.00–5.30 p.m. | SRG 1 | room 1.023
Professorship of Higher Education