Influencing factors of new teaching and learning concepts at private higher education institutions
Einflussfaktoren auf neue Lehr-Lernkonzepte an privaten Hochschulen
Project Description
ELLpH aims at investigating factors influencing the implementation of new teaching-learning approaches at private higher education institutions (HEIs) in Germany.
Two sub-projects of the joint project are located at TU Dortmund University. Sub-project 1 (Professorship of Higher Education) analyzes the governance of private HEIs. Sub-project 3 (Professorship of Organizational Studies and Management of Continuing Education) focuses on the expectations of teachers and students with regard to teaching and learning concepts at private universities.
Sub-project 2, which deals with teaching and learning concepts at private universities, is being carried out at Witten/Herdecke University (Junior Professorship for Innovative and Digital Methods of Teaching and Learning in Multiprofessional Health Care).
Private HEIs usually have supervisory bodies, such as boards of trustees. Various societal and business stakeholders are involved in such decision-making structures – partly due to their financial commitment. In addition to creating a mapping of formal governance structures of private higher education institutions in Germany, sub-project 1 will study the connection between governance structures and teaching and learning approaches in order to identify forms of governance that support the introduction of new teaching and learning approaches.
Management Sub-project 1: Prof. Dr. Liudvika Leišytė
Project Staff: Anna-Lena Rose
Sub-project 2 focuses on teaching and learning concepts and an analysis of innovative forms of knowledge transfer. For this, specific framework conditions, learning needs and priority setting will be examined. The sub-project aims at furthering understanding on the influence of stakeholders on the development of new concepts and examine the flexibility and adaptability of new teaching and learning concepts. Furthermore, it analyses how the teaching staff implements these concepts into practice, and how they react to new social trends. Finally, investigations will focus on the question to what extent joint learning with other groups of professions, i.e. interprofessional education, is anchored didactically in teaching and learning concepts.
Management Sub-project 2: Jun.-Prof. Dr. phil. Daniela Schmitz (Witten/Herdecke University)
In literature, the special expectations of students are not only justified by the selection process of private universities, but also by the customer relationship established by payment in a service relationship. Sub-project 3 investigates whether this leads to a certain expectation with regard to the teaching-learning approach offered. The aim of the sub-project is to clarify which expectations students bring with them and whether they are fulfilled. It will further investigate the question whether professors have specific expectations regarding the teaching and learning concepts.
Management Project Group and Management Sub-project 3: Prof. Dr. Uwe Wilkesmann
Project Staff: Olga Wagner
Project Period
9/2023 – 8/2026
BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) | funding line "Research on non-governmental higher education institutions"