Coming soon...

The interdisciplinary Summer School in Higher Education Research and Science Studies (HERSS) is jointly organized by a consortium of higher education research and science studies institutions in Germany and has been taking place since 2015.
This year, the Summer School is hosted by Prof. Uwe Wilkesmann (Chair of Organizational Studies and Management of Continuing Education) and Prof. Liudvika Leišytė (Professorship of Higher Education) on the topic 'Transformation of Higher Education'.
From 26 to 30 September, about 40 doctoral students and postdocs from all over the world will present and discuss their (dissertation) projects in the field of higher education research at HERSS 2022. The program includes keynotes and workshops on various topics addressing the challenges of academic writing and the topics of particular aspects of transformation of higher education, such as digitalization of universities.
Learn more about the HERSS Summer School 2022 in the program.