zhb Higher Education Research Colloquium

Within the scope of the zhb Higher Education Research Colloquium, we invite national and international researchers and experts to present their research findings regarding different aspects of university transformation.
In the summer semester 2021, we will host three talks with speakers from the US, Canada, and Norway. Prof. Jay Dee (University of Massachusetts, Boston, US) will adress challenges of organizational change and academic leadership in higher education. Prof. Creso Sá (University of Toronto, Canada) will speak about the relevance of collaboration and publication strategies or the gender gap in scientific productivity. Finally, Prof. Jens Jungblut (University of Oslo, Norway) will investigate the question whether evaluation and recruitment processes in academia follow national or global patterns.
Due to the Covid-situation, we continue to organise the talks in the summer semester 2021 online via Zoom.
All interested parties – including members of other departments, students, and externals – are cordially invited to participate in the colloquia.