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Center for Higher Education
Guest talk

Dr. Veronica Junjan

Portrait photo of Dr. Veronica Junjan © University of Twente
Dr. Veronica Junjan (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Reflection on Introducing Challenge Based Learning at Master Level: How to Link Theory and Practice


Date: Wednesday, 21 June 2023
Time: 4.00–5.30 p.m. (CEST)
Venue: Vogelpothsweg 78 (CDI building), room 114 | Online via Zoom (hybrid event)

This talk focuses on the presentation of results of a redesign of a master level course in Public Administration following a Challenge Based Learning approach. In particular, Prof. Junjan will reflect on establishing links between theory and practices in courses using Challenge Based Learning approaches.

Veronica Junjan is assistant professor in Public Management with the Section of Public Administration, Faculty of Behaviour, Management and Social Sciences. Her research addresses generally administrative and governance reforms. Currently, her research interest focuses on analysing the changes in tasks of government in light of new technological developments, with particular focus on administrative capacity building for resilience, at national as well as local level. In addition to teaching and research at university level, she was involved in a wide range of consulting and research projects at national and international level in Eastern Europe.

Higher Education Research Colloquium
Center for Higher Education (zhb)
Professorship of Higher Education