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Center for Higher Education

Research Handbook on the Transformation of Higher Education

Photo: stack of books, the top book is the Research Handbook on the Transformation of Higher Education; next to it is a pad, a pen, and a pair of glasses © HdHf​/​TU Dortmund

Edited by:

Liudvika Leišytė, TU Dortmund University

Jay R. Dee, University of Massachusetts Boston

Barend J. R. van der Meulen,  University of Twente

Leišytė, L., Dee, J. R., & van der Meulen, B. J. R. (Eds.). (2023). Research Handbook on the Transformation of Higher Education. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.


I. Understanding higher education transformation in different higher education systems

1.  Conceptualizing higher education transformation: introduction to the Research Handbook on the Transformation of Higher Education
Jay R. Dee (University of Massachusetts Boston), Liudvika Leišytė (Technical University Dortmund), Barend J.R. van der Meulen (University of Twente)

II. Challenges fostering transformation in higher education

III. The key actors and instruments they use in higher education transformation

7. Evaluation and academic oligarchy in Latin American higher education: Less or more power?
Mónica Marquina (University of Buenos Aires)

8. Academic union voice and the transformations in/of higher education
Timothy Reese Cain (University of Georgia)

9. The emergence of academic resistance platforms against new public management: towards "new" forms of movement organizing?
Liudvika Leišytė (Technical University Dortmund), Clémentine Gozlan (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)

10. Non-academic staff's part in transforming academia: as irrelevant as their label suggests?
Andreas Kjær Stage (Aarhus University), Stefan de Jong (Tilburg University, University of Chicago, Stellenbosch University)

11. Agencies in higher education: the neglected variable in the governance equation
Harry de Boer (University of Twente)

12. University rankers: actors in the transformation of higher education management and managers
Miguel Antonio Lim (University of Manchester)

13. The role of industry in higher education transformation
Aleš Vlk (Tertiary Education and Research Institute, Charles University in Prague)

14. Capitalising the future of higher education: investors in education technology and the case of Emerge Education
Janja Komljenovic (University of Lancaster), Ben Williamson (University of Edinburgh)

IV. Salient higher education transformations responding to the challenges in the 21st century

The effects of higher education transformations on the system level

15. Privatization's transformative effects on academia: promise versus products
Avery M. D. Davis, Christopher C. Morphew (Johns Hopkins University)

16. Higher education access and racial equity for students
Ali Watts (University of Utah), Alicia C. Dowd (Pennsylvania State University)

17. Women academics, identity capitalism, and the imperative of transformation
Leslie D. Gonzales, Regina H. Gong, Sanfeng Miao, Kristen Surla (Michigan State University)

18. Massification and quality of higher education: transforming quality enhancement of teaching and learning
Stephanie Marshall (Queen Mary University of London)

19. The impact of digitalisation on higher education teaching in Germany
Katrin Stolz (Technical University Dortmund)

The effects of higher Education transformations on the organizational level

20. Entrepreneurial university conception: an instauration for the advancement and utilization of knowledge
Henry Etzkowitz, Chunyan Zhou (International Triple Helix Institute)

21. The organizational transformation of universities: using motivation theories to explain the micro-macro link
Uwe Wilkesmann (Technical University Dortmund)

22. Organizational culture and the transformation of higher education institutions
Jay R. Dee (University of Massachusetts Boston), Hidehiro Nakajima (Ritsumeikan University), and Ebru Korbek-Erdogmus (University of Massachusetts Boston)

23. Passive and active resistance to performance pressures among academics in UK universities
Liudvika Leišytė (Technical University Dortmund)

24. Digital transformation in higher education before and following COVID-19: a Scandinavian tale
Rómulo Pinheiro, Cathrine Tømte (University of Agder), Vito Laterza (University of Agder, University of Johannesburg), Michael Asante (University of Bergen)

25. Matrix hybridity: the complex realities of strategic councils
Stefan Lundborg, Lars Geschwind (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

26. New managerialism, academics' working conditions, teaching input, and research emphasis in the East Asia context
Robin Jung-Cheng Chen (National ChengChi University), Sophia Shi-Huei Ho (University of Taipei)

V. Conclusion

27. Unpacking transformation in higher education and framing a future research agenda
Liudvika Leišytė (Technical University Dortmund), Jay R. Dee (University of Massachusetts Boston), Barend J.R. van der Meulen (University of Twente)