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Center for Higher Education

Interdisciplinarity in German Universities

Project Description

The project "Interdisciplinarity in German Universities" aims to understand the antecedents of the rise of interdisciplinarity in and its effect on German universities. By drawing on the neo-institutional theory, the study examines how policies and funding arrangements at multiple levels (supra-national, federal and state) and managerial pressures drive structural changes in universities to implement interdisciplinarity. The project uses a mixed method approach and will carry out case studies of German universities. The study will provide policy recommendations for German universities which will identify the structures and policies that could further promote interdisciplinary collaboration within and between these universities.

Project Period

4/2017 – 3/2018

Project Team

Principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Liudvika Leišytė

Project staff
Nadine Zeeman (Research Assistant)


This project is funded by the Mercator Research Center Ruhr (MERCUR).

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