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Center for Higher Education

Dr. Johanna Witte

Dr. Johanna Witte is visiting researcher at the Professorship for Higher Education Research (HdHf) of the Center for Higher Education (zhb) at TU Dortmund University.

Further information on Dr. Johanna Witte

Dr. Johanna Witte is visiting researcher at the Professorship of Higher Education (HdHf) of the Center for Higher Education (zhb) at TU Dortmund University.

As an external expert in the Tertiary Education Committee of the German Science and Humanities Council (Wissenschaftsrat), she is involved in the development of recommendations for future personnel structures in the German higher education and science system.

For 17 years up to September 2024 – including 3 periods of parental leave – she was senior researcher at the Bavarian State Institute for Higher Education Research and Planning (IHF), being involved in and leading various research projects. Since the beginning of 2023, she was also managing editor of the journal "Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung". Prior to her time at the IHF, she worked for 7 years at the CHE Centre for Higher Education Development, first as personal assistant to the director, Prof. Dr. Detlef Müller-Böling, and then as project manager.

Dr. Johanna Witte studied Economics at Humboldt University Berlin and Maastricht University in the Netherlands, graduating with a Master's degree in International Economics and an MA in International Education from the University of Sussex. She holds a PhD in Public Policy from the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. The topic of her doctorate was the transformation of European higher education systems in the course of the Bologna Process. From 1993 to 2000, she was a scholarship holder of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.

Johanna Witte was a member of the Executive Committee of the European Higher Education Society (EAIR) (2008–2011), and is Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Tertiary Education and Management". She spent extensive periods working and studying abroad, among others in India and Thailand. She has worked on a broad range of topics in higher education research, such as the change of higher education systems, curriculum reform, and academic careers. Methodologically, her focus is on qualitative and evaluation research, preferably from an international comparative perspective.

Johanna Witte has carried out several large commissioned studies, including for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Federal Report on Early Career Researchers 2021 and 2025, for the European Commission, the OECD, the DAAD, UNESCO-CEPES and the University of Cologne. She is reviewer for academic journals, including "Higher Education", "Zeitschrift für Soziologie", "Studies in Higher Education", "Higher Education Policy", "Higher Education Quarterly", as well as for books and studies, including "The Bologna process for US Eyes" (2009, Cliff Adelman, IHEP, Washington). She has given press interviews and conducted background discussions for DIE ZEIT, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Spiegel, Handelsblatt, taz, Rheinischer Merkur, WDR-Hörfunk, duz, dpa and Bayerischer Rundfunk, among others.

Member of Committee Tertiary Education, German Science and Humanities Council (Wissenschaftsrat) as external expert, drafting recommendations for future personnel structures in German higher education and science; since March 2024.

Member of Expert Committee, BMBF research programme “Quality developments in higher education – meso level”; since April 2020.

Member of Selection Committee, BMBF research programme “Quality developments in higher education – meso level”; 2019.

Member of the Editorial Board, Journal TEAM (Tertiary Education and Management); since August 2007.

Member of the External Evaluation Committee, Quality Assurance System for Teaching and Learning, University Rostock; 2014–2025.

Member of International Review Committee, Evaluation of the Susanne Klatten Chair (Manfred Prenzel), Technical University Munich; 2013.

Member of Academic Council, Project EQUISTU (Gender mainstreaming in higher education governance), Frauenakademie Munich and TU Dortmund University; 2011–2013.

Member of the Academic Council, Project Quality Management, German Rectors' Conference; 2008–2011.

Series Editor, EAIR Monograph Series; 2008–2011.

Member of Executive Committee, EAIR (The European Higher Education Society) and Series Editor, EAIR Monograph Series; 2008–2011.

Member of the Conference Committee & Track chair, Bologna Process, 31st EAIR Annual Forum, Vilnius; 23–26 August 2009.

Member of the Conference Committee & Track co-chair, The Student experience, 29th EAIR Annual Forum, Innsbruck; 26–29 August 2007.

Member of selection committee, German Merit Scolarship Foundation, University Witten-Herdecke (first year economics) and the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD (Programme „Export of German degree programmes“); 2001–2003.

Radio broadcast: "25 Jahre Bolognaprozess: Wie gut funktioniert der europäische Hochschulraum?" ("25 years of Bologna Process: How well does the European Higher Education Area work?"). Deutschlandfunk, program "Campus und Karriere" (live discussion with the audience, moderator: Armin Himmelrath, experts: Dr. Andreas Keller (GEW), Clara Gutjahr (Technical University of Darmstadt), Dr. Johanna Witte (TU Dortmund University)), 23 November 2024, 2.05–3.00 p.m.

Radio contribution: "25 Jahre Bologna: Ist die Uni besser geworden?" ("25 years of Bologna – did universities improve?"). Expert in a WDR live discussion with the radio audience, 19 June 2024, 12.10–1.00 p.m.

Radio contribution: "Bologna Reform: Bilanz nach 25 Jahren". (Bologna reform: Stocktaking after 25 years). BR24 Campusmagazin, 23 June 2024.

Webinar "Higher education, science and the climate crisis". The contributions of higher education 3: Global ecology and the common good. CGHE Webinar Series. 21 March 2023, Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), Oxford University. YouTube: Video of the webinar

Lecture: "New Institutionalism: Pfadabhängigkeiten im Bologna-Prozess: Von Trägheit und kritischen Zeitpunkten" (New Institutionalism: On path dependencies in the Bologna process: On inertia and critical junctures), Lecture series "Sociology in 10 Minutes" on the theme "Responsibility" (Ringvorlesung "10 Minuten Soziologie" zum Thema "Verantwortung"), University of Passau, 20 November 2019.

Expert discussion "Der Bologna-Prozess" in the TV program "alpha-demokratie" on ARD Alpha, broadcasted on 7 November 2018.

Lecture "Is there an ideal road to Bologna?" International workshop "Bologna Process – From Europe to Israel and Back", Konrad Adenauer Conference Center in cooperation with the Bologna Center of the Ben-Gurion University, Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem, 22 May 2012.

– Monographs –

– Peer-reviewed journal articles –

  • Hölscher, M., Harris-Huemmert, S., Powell, J. W. & Witte, J. (2024). Quality in Academia: concepts, history and perspectives. In: Qualitätsentwicklung in der Wissenschaft. Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung Jg. 46, 1/2024, S. 12-34, Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung (IHF), München. Open Access.
  • Witte, J. (2011). Foreword, Tertiary Education and Management, 17 (3), 181-182, Special Issue: Students in Higher Education Governance.
  • Witte, J. (2008). Aspired convergence, cherished diversity: Dealing with the contradictions of Bologna. Tertiary Education and Management, 14 (2), 81-93.
  • Witte, J., Huisman, J. & Van der Wende, M. (2008). Blurring boundaries: How the Bologna process changes the relationship between university and non-university higher education in Germany, the Netherlands, and France. Studies in Higher Education, 33 (3), 217-231.
  • Witte, J. (2004). The Introduction of Two-Tiered Study Structures in the Context of the Bologna Process: A Theoretical Framework for an International Comparative Study of Change in Higher Education Systems. Higher Education Policy, 17 (4), 405-425.
  • Lub, A., Van der Wende, M. & Witte, J. (2004). Les programmes d'études Bachelor-Master aux Pays-Bas et en Allemagne. Politiques d'éducation et de formation. Analyses et comparaisons internationales, 12 (3), 99-116 (French translation of the English original published in Tertiary Education and Management).
  • Lub, A., Van der Wende, M. & Witte, J. (2003). Bachelor-Master programmes in the Netherlands and Germany. Tertiary Education and Management, 9 (4), 249-266.
  • Witte, J. (2000). Education in Thailand after the Crisis: A Balancing Act between Globalization and National Self-contemplation. International Journal of Educational Development, 20, 223-245.

– Articles in practitioner-oriented journals –

  • Witte, J. (2024). Versandeter Prozess? Auf dem Weg zu einem Europäischen Hochschulraum ("A process that has been sent away? Towards a European Higher Education Area"). Forschung & Lehre, 31 (06), 408-410.
  • Hartwig, L. & Witte, J. (2008). Spitzenforschung in der Zukunft erfordert den Mut zur Nachwuchsförderung heute. Rubrik: Zur Diskussion gestellt: "Brain Drain": Gibt es in Deutschland zu wenig Möglichkeiten für Spitzenforscher? ("Cutting-edge research in the future requires the courage to promote young talent today." Category: Up for discussion: "Brain drain": Are there too few opportunities for top researchers in Germany?). ifo Schnelldienst, 61 (5), 16-19.
  • Witte, J. (2006). Die deutsche Umsetzung des Bologna-Prozesses ("The German implementation of the Bologna process"). Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, (48), 21-27, Heft "Hochschulpolitik".
  • Witte, J. & Otto, E. (2003). Der Bologna-Prozess ("The Bologna process"). Wissenschaftsmanagement, 9 (3), 29-33.
  • Witte, J. & Schreiterer, U. (2002). Wie es die anderen machen: Die Professorenbesoldungsreform im Lichte internationaler Erfahrungen ("How the others do it: the reform of professorial pay in the light of international experience"). Forschung & Lehre 09/2002, 475-477.
  • Witte, J. (2001). Offshore education/ Studienexporte ("Offshore education"). Wissenschaftsmanagement, 7 (3), 31-34.

– Edited volumes –

  • Witte, J., Powell, J. W. & Ziegele, F. (Eds.) (2024). Qualitätsentwicklung in der Wissenschaft. (Quality Development in Academia) Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 1/2024, vol. 46., Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung (IHF), München. Open Access.
  • Witte, J., Koeberle, S. et al. (Eds.) (1998). Competitiveness and sustainable economic recovery in Thailand: Conference proceedings. Joint publication of the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) and the World Bank Thailand Office: Bangkok.

– Contributions to edited volumes –

  • Witte, J. (2023). Higher education, science and the climate crisis. In: Marginson, S., Cantwell, B., Platonova, D. & Smolentseva, A. (Eds.). Assessing the contributions of higher education. Edward Elgar. Open Access.
  • Witte, J. & Sandfuchs, G. (2013). Transparenz für Studienanfänger: Internetdarstellungen von Bachelorstudiengängen. ("Transparency for first-year students: Internet presentations of Bachelor's degree programs.") In: Asdonk, J., Kuhnen, S. U. & Bornkessel, Ph. (Eds.), Von der Schule zur Hochschule: Analysen, Konzeptionen und Gestaltungsperspektiven des Übergangs, 179-195, Waxmann: Münster.
  • Witte, J., Westerheijden, D. & McCoshan, A. (2011). Wirkungen von Bologna auf Studierende: Eine Bestandsaufnahme in 48 Hochschulsystemen. ("Effects of Bologna on students: Stocktaking in 48 higher education systems") In: Nickel, S. (ed.), Der Bologna-Prozess aus Sicht der Hochschulforschung: Analysen und Impulse für die Praxis, CHE Arbeitspapier Nr. 149, 36-49, BMBF/CHE: Gütersloh.
  • Sandfuchs, G., Mittag, S. & Witte, J. (2011). Stand und Perspektiven bayerischer Bachelorstudiengänge – Eine exemplarische Untersuchung ("State and perspectives of Bavarian Bachelor degree programmes - An exemplary study") In: Nickel, S. (ed.), Der Bologna-Prozess aus Sicht der Hochschulforschung: Analysen und Impulse für die Praxis, CHE Arbeitspapier Nr. 149, 58-67,BMBF/CHE: Gütersloh.
  • Witte, J., Huisman, J. & Purser, L. (2009). European higher education reforms in the context of the Bologna process: How did we get here, where are we and where are we going? In: OECD (Ed.), Higher Education to 2030 (Vol. 2): Globalisation, S. 205-229, OECD Publishing: Paris. (siehe also: Commissioned studies)
  • Witte, J. (2009). Parallel universes and common themes: Reforms of curricular governance in the Bologna context. In: Amaral, A., Neave, G., Musselin, C. & Maassen, P. (Eds.), The European Higher Education Area: Various Perspectives on the Complexities of a Multi-level Governance System. Series: Higher Education Dynamics, Vol. 26, 229-256, Springer: Dordrecht.
  • Gabriel, G., von Stuckrad, T. & Witte, J. (2009). Up and down we wander: German higher education facing the demographic challenge. In: Vlăsceanu, L. and Grünberg, L. (Eds.), Demographics and Higher Education in Europe - Institutional Perspectives. Bucharest/Cluj: UNESCO-CEPES and University Press Cluj, 165-222. UNESCO-CEPES Series: Higher Education for a Knowledge Society. (see also: Commissioned studies)
  • Witte, J. & Huisman, J. (2008). Der Umbau der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengänge in Deutschland im Kontext des Bolognaprozesses ("The restructuring of engineering degree programs in Germany in the context of the Bologna Process"). In: Benz, Kohler, Landfried (Eds.), Handbuch Qualität in Studium und Lehre. Evaluation nutzen – Akkreditierung sichern – Profil schärfen. 2nd edition. Raabe Verlag: Stuttgart. E 5.11, 1-30 (adapted translation of the contribution to the EUA Bologna Handbook).
  • Probst, C., de Weert, E. & Witte, J. (2008). Die Umstellung des Medizinstudiums auf die Bachelor-Master-Struktur: Das Beispiel der Schweiz ("The conversion of medical studies to the Bachelor-Master degree structure: The example of Switzerland"). In: Benz, Kohler, Landfried (Eds.), Handbuch Qualität in Studium und Lehre, August 2008, No. 21, Raabe: Stuttgart. (adapted translation of the contribution to the EUA Bologna Handbook).
  • Witte, J. (2008): Von Bologna nach Babylon - und zurück? Abschlusstitel im europäischen Hochschulraum. ("From Bologna to Babylon - and back? Degree titles in the European Higher Education Area"). In: Kehm, Barbara M. (Ed.), Hochschule im Wandel. Die Universität als Forschungsgegenstand. Frankfurt a. M./New York: Campus, 429-440.
  • Probst, C., de Weert, E. & Witte, J. (2008). Medical education in the Bachelor-Master structure: the Swiss model. In: Froment, E., Kohler, J., Purser, L. & Wilson, L. (Eds.), EUA Bologna Handbook. Making Bologna Work. 7. Ausgabe, März 2008. Stuttgart, Berlin. C 5.1-1, 1-20.
  • Witte, J. & Huisman, J. (2008). Curriculum reconstruction by German engineers. In: Froment, E., Kohler, J., Purser, L. & Wilson, L. (Eds.), EUA Bologna Handbook. Making Bologna Work. Stuttgart, Berlin. 7the edition, March 2008. C 5.1-2, 1-20.
  • Witte, J. (2008). The changing political framework of quality assurance in German higher education: National Debates in European Context. In: Beso, A., Bollaert, L., Curvale, B., Toft Jensen, H., Harvey, L., Helle, E., Maguire, B., Mikkola, A. & Sursock, A. (Eds.), Implementing and Using Quality Assurance: Strategy and Practice. A selection of papers from the 2nd European Quality Assurance Forum. European University Association: Brussels, 48-52.
  • Witte, J. (2007). Lob der Vielfalt ("In praise of variety") In: HRK Service-Stelle Bologna (Ed.), Fit für die Welt: Die deutschen Hochschulen auf dem Weg zum Europäischen Hochschulraum, 24-35. HRK: Bonn.
  • Witte, J. (2007). Change of degrees and degrees of change – ein internationaler Vergleich zum Bologna Prozess ("Change of degrees and degrees of change – an international comparison of the Bologna Process"). In: HRK Service-Stelle Bologna (Ed.), Bologna-Reader II, Beiträge zur Hochschulpolitik 5/2007, 82-90. HRK: Bonn.
  • Nickel, S., Ziegele, F. & Witte, J. (2007). Universitätszugang und -finanzierung: Analyse zur Weiterentwicklung der österreichischen Hochschulsteuerung ("University access and financing: analysis of the further development of Austrian university governance"). In: Badelt, C., W. Wegscheider & H. Wulz (Eds.), Hochschulzugang in Österreich. Grazer Universitätsverlag: Graz.
  • Witte, J. (2005). Machen Bachelor und Master die Trennung in Universität und Fachhochschule obsolet? ("Will Bachelor and Master degrees make the division between university and university of applied sciences obsolete?"). In: Donner, H. & Cremer-Renz, Ch. (Eds.), Die innovative Hochschule – Aspekte und Standpunkte. Schriftenreihe 1: Hochschulwesen. Wissenschaft und Praxis, 181-195. UniversitätsVerlag Webler: Bielefeld.
  • Witte, J. (2005). Studienprogramme: Einführung ("Degree programme: an introduction"). In: Müller-Böling, D. (Ed.), Hochschulen weiter entfesseln – den Umbruch gestalten: Studienprogramme – Organisationsformen – Hochschultypen, 15-17, Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung: Gütersloh.
  • Rüde, M. & Witte, J. (2005). Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand: Befunde aus einem Vergleich angelsächsischer Bachelor-Modelle ("Mirror, mirror on the wall: findings from a comparison of Anglo-Saxon Bachelor models"). In: Müller-Böling, D. (Ed.), Hochschulen weiter entfesseln – den Umbruch gestalten: Studienprogramme – Organisationsformen – Hochschultypen, 18-39.
  • Witte, J. (2005). Hochschultypen: Einführung ("Types of higher education institutions: an introduction"). In: Müller-Böling, D. (Ed.), Hochschulen weiter entfesseln – den Umbruch gestalten: Studienprogramme – Organisationsformen – Hochschultypen, 79-82.
  • Müller-Böling, D. & Witte, J. (2003). Argumente für eine rasche und konsequente Umstellung auf Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge an deutschen Hochschulen ("Arguments for a rapid and consistent changeover to Bachelor and Master degree programs at German universities"). In: Bensel, N., Wagner, G. & Weiler, H. (Eds.), Hochschulen, Studienreform und Arbeitsmärkte – Hochschulpolitische Voraussetzungen erfolgreicher Beschäftigungspolitik, 155-158, W. Bertelsmann-Verlag, Bielefeld.
  • Witte, J. & Schreiterer, U. (2003). Handlungsfelder und Aufgaben bei der Umstellung auf Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge ("Fields of action and tasks in the transition to Bachelor and Master degree programmes"). In: Bensel, N., Wagner, G. & Weiler, H. (Eds.), Hochschulen, Studienreform und Arbeitsmärkte – Hochschulpolitische Voraussetzungen erfolgreicher Beschäftigungspolitik, 225-240.
  • Witte, J., Schreiterer, U. & Müller-Böling, D. (2003). Gestaltungsfragen bei der Umsetzung des Professorenbesoldungsgesetzes ("Design issues in the implementation of the Professors' Remuneration Act"). In: Müller-Böling, D. (Ed.), Leistungsorientierte Professorenbesoldung: Grundlagen – Weichenstellungen – Optionen, 13-48, Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung: Gütersloh (also in the second and extended edition 2004, 13-49).
  • Witte, J. & Schreiterer, U. (2003). Perspektiven für eine leistungsorientierte Professorenbesoldung im Lichte internationaler Erfahrungen ("Perspectives for performance-oriented professorial salaries in the light of international experience"). In: Müller-Böling, D. (Ed.), Leistungsorientierte Professorenbesoldung: Grundlagen – Weichenstellungen – Optionen, 49-137 (also in the second and extended edition 2004, 51-139).

– Commissioned studies –

  • Kleimann, B., Lenz, Th., Luksche, C., Reimer, M. & Witte, J. (2025, forthcoming). Etablierung des Karrierewegs der Tenure-Track-Professur im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem (Establishment of the tenure-track professorship career path in the German academic system). Begleitstudie zum Bundesbericht Wissenschaftler:innen in einer frühen Karrierephase (BuWiK) ("Study for the Federal report on early-career researchers" (BuWiK)). Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW) & Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung (IHF).
  • Lenz, T., Reimer, M. & Witte, J. (2024). Evaluation der Bayerischen Fernprüfungserprobungsverordnung (BayFEV) - Abschlussbericht ("Evaluation of the Bavarian Distance Learning Examination Ordinance (BayFEV) – Final Report"). (IHF Forschungsbericht) München: Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung (IHF).
  • Witte, J. & Lenz, T. (2021). Evaluation des Fachforums Verbundpromotion im Bayerischen Wissenschaftsforum (BayWISS): Abschlussbericht im Auftrag des Bayerischen Wissenschaftsministeriums. ("Evaluation of the Expert Forum for Collaborative Doctorates in the Bavarian Science Forum (BayWISS): final report", commissioned by the Bavarian Ministry of Science) München: Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung (IHF).
  • Reimer, M., Witte, J., Lenz, T. & Banschbach, V. (2021). Fachkulturen und wissenschaftliche Karrieren. Begleitstudie zum Bundesbericht Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs (BuWiN) 2021. ("Disciplinary cultures and academic careers". Study for the Federal report on early-career researchers (BuWIN)). Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung (IHF), Berlin: BMBF.
  • Landmann, M., Lücking, K. & Witte, J. (2013). Campus im Dialog. Eine Studierendenbefragung im quantitativ-qualitativen Forschungsdesign zur Verbesserung der Studiensituation an der Universität zu Köln. Zwischenbericht. ("Campus in dialogue: A quantitave-qualitative student survey to improve the student experience at the University of Cologna: interim report") Herzig, St. (Ed.), Universität Köln.
  • Witte, J., Sandfuchs, G. & Mittag, S. (2011). Stand und Perspektiven bayerischer Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge ("State and perspectives of Bavarian Bachelor- and Master programmes") Studien zur Hochschulforschung 82, Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung (IHF): München (siehe auch: "Monographien").
  • Witte, J., Sandfuchs, G., Lenz, T., Brummerloh, S. &Hartwig, L. (2010). Stand und Perspektiven bayerischer Bachelorstudiengänge: Zwischenbericht an das Bayerische Staatsministerium für Wissenschaftsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst. ("State and perspectives of Bavarian Bachelor- and Master programmes: interim report to the Bavarian Ministry for Science, Research and Art") Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung (IHF): München.
  • Westerheijden, D., Witte, J. & Huisman, J. (2010). Goals and Methodology. In: The Bologna Process Independent Assessment: The First Decade of Working on the European Higher Education Area - Detailed assessment report (Vol. 1). CHEPS, INCHER, ECOTEC (Eds.), Commissioned study for the European Commission and the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG).
  • Witte, J. (2010). Degree and curriculum reforms. In: The Bologna Process Independent Assessment: The First Decade of Working on the European Higher Education Area - Detailed assessment report (Vol. 1). CHEPS, INCHER, ECOTEC (Eds.), Commissioned study for the European Commission and the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG).
  • Witte, J., Huisman, J. & Purser, L. (2009). European higher education reforms in the context of the Bologna process: How did we get here, where are we and where are we going?. In: OECD (Ed.), Higher Education to 2030 (Vol. 2): Globalisation, 205-229, OECD Publishing: Paris. (see also: contributions to edited volumes).
  • Gabriel, G., von Stuckrad, T. & Witte, J. (2009). Up and down we wander: German higher education facing the demographic challenge. In: Vlăsceanu, L. & Grünberg, L. (Ed.), Demographics and Higher Education in Europe - Institutional Perspectives. Bucharest/Cluj: UNESCO-CEPES and University Press Cluj, 165-222. UNESCO-CEPES series: Higher Education for a Knowledge Society. (See also: contributions to edited volumes")
  • Huisman, J., Witte, J. & File, J.M. (Hg.) (2006). The extent and impact of higher education curricular reform across Europe. Final report to the Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission. CHEPS: Enschede.
  • Witte, J. & Huisman, J. (2006). Comparative Analysis, Part One of The extent and impact of higher education curricular reform across Europe. Final report to the Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission. CHEPS: Enschede.
  • Huisman, J., Witte, J., Aamodt, P-O., de Weert, E. & Kovac, A. (Eds.) (2006). Summaries of national reports on curriculum reform in 32 European countries. Part Two of The extent and impact of higher education curricular reform across Europe. Final report to the Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission. CHEPS: Enschede.
  • Weert, E. de, Witte, J., Aamodt, P-O., Jeliazkova, M. & Kaulisch, M. (2006). Five case studies on curriculum reform. Part Three of The extent and impact of higher education curricular reform across Europe. Final report to the Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission. CHEPS: Enschede.
  • Huisman, J., Kottman, A. & Witte, J. (2006). Curriculum Reform Survey Results. Part Four of The extent and impact of higher education curricular reform across Europe. Final report to the Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission. CHEPS: Enschede.
  • Nickel, S., Ziegele, F. & Witte, J. (2006). Universitätszugang und -finanzierung: Analyse zur Weiterentwicklung der österreichischen Hochschulsteuerung (University access and financing: The future of Austrian university governance). Study commissioned by the Austrian rectors' conference, CHE: Gütersloh. (See also: contributions to edited volumes)
  • Klemperer, A., van der Wende, M. & Witte, J. (2002). The introduction of Bachelor and Master programmes in German higher education institutions – Survey. Commissioned study by the DAAD. CHEPS/CHE (Eds.): Enschede/Gütersloh.
  • Klemperer, A., van der Wende, M. & Witte, J. (2002). Studie: Die Einführung von Bachelor- und Master-Programmen an deutschen Hochschulen (The introduction of Bachelor and Master programmes in German higher education institutions – Survey). Study commissioned by the DAAD. Dok & Mat Vol. 43, DAAD (Ed.): Bonn. (German translation of the English original, edited by Witte, J.) (Reviews in dpa, Berliner Zeitung, und, 18 July 2002; DUZ, 14/2002; Spiegel-online, 21 July 2002)
  • Schreiterer, U. & Witte, J. (2001). Modelle und Szenarien für den Export deutscher Studienangebote ins Ausland: Eine international vergleichende Studie (Models and scenarios for the export of German degree programmes abroad: an international comparative study). Study commissioned by the DAAD. DAAD/CHE (Eds.): Bonn/Gütersloh. (Reviewed by DUZ 11/2001)

– Working and position papers –

– Selected further publications –

  • Buch, F. & Witte, J. (2004). Weiter entfesseln – den Umbruch gestalten. Hochschulexperten treffen sich anlässlich des zehnjährigen Bestehens des Centrums für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE) in Berlin ("Unleashing further - shaping the upheaval. Higher education experts meet in Berlin on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE)") Wissenschaftsmanagement, 10 (3) 6-8.
  • Witte, J. (2004). Endlich mehr Auswahl ("More choice at last") (Interview). Sonderheft Einstieg: Magazin zur Berufs- und Studienwahl, 34.
  • Witte, J. (2004). Expertin: Hochschulreform auf Staatsexamen ausdehnen ("Expert: Extend higher education reform to state examinations". dpa/lnw-Gespräch, 12 April 2004.
  • Witte, J. (2003). Gestuftes Studium ("Tiered studies") (Interview). Unimagazin, 27 (4), 24-25.
  • Witte, J. (2003). Failing Bologna – Zur Kritik des fzs an der Umsetzung der Bologna-Ziele in Deutschland ("Failing Bologna – On the fzs's criticism of the implementation of the Bologna goals in Germany"). HRK-Online Newsletter 14, 22 October 2003.
  • Witte, J. (2003). Heimstärke ausspielen ("Playing to home strength"). In: DUZ 9, 28.
  • Witte, J. (2003). German and co-operative Master programmes for International students at German higher education institutions and abroad: facts and perspectives. In: DAAD (Ed.), South-North-Dialogue on Innovative Strategies in International Postgraduate Education: Challenges, Obstacles and Best Practices, Conference documentation, Dok & Mat 44, 100-107, DAAD: Bonn.
  • Witte, J. (2003). NRW führt Studienkonten ein: Pauschalabbuchung verdreht den Charakter der Idee ("North-Rhine Westphalia introduces student accounts: Flat-rate debiting distorts the nature of the idea"). HRK-Online Newsletter 8, 18 February 2003.
  • Ederleh, J., Horstmann, A., Maeß, G., Müller-Böling, D., Neusel, A. & Winter, E. (2002) (Editor: Witte, J.) Das Erprobungsmodell der Freien Universität Berlin: Abschlussbericht der Evaluations-Arbeitsgruppe (The Trial Model at Freie Universität Berlin: Final Report of the Evaluation Working Group) Online document: Freie Universität Berlin: Berlin.
  • Witte, J. (2001). Kommentar ("Commentary") In: Bildungsfinanzierung in der Wissensgesellschaft: 1. Empfehlung der Bildungskommission der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 36-40. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung: Berlin.