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Center for Higher Education

Paper Presentation at the EGOS Colloquium 2024

Collage of someone in front of a laptop typing on a mobile. © kantver​/​

The use of digital platforms in higher education is steadily increasing. For what purposes are they used in human resource management at universities? And how could the usage of digital platforms affect the administrative systems and processes of universities?

These questions will be addressed by Prof. Liudvika Leišytė, Prof. Jürgen Enders and Prof. Rajani Naidoo (both from the University of Bath) in their talk titled "Platform capitalism and human resource management in higher education" at 40th EGOS Colloquium on 6 July 2024.

The authors will initially portray the goals, services and financing models of EdTech industry. Based on this analysis, they will discuss the potential impact of platform capitalism and its new market logics on higher education.

Their contribution will be part of the sub-theme "Universities Facing the Crossroads of Managerialism and Digitalization", which sheds light on the organizational changes taking place in universities in view of pressures for more management as well as the impact of modern information technology.

This year, the EGOS Colloquium will be held at the University Milano-Bicocca, Italy, and will be dedicated to the topic: Crossroads for Organizations.