25 years of Bologna Process

The Bologna Process has massively changed the higher education landscape in Europe, and also in Germany. How do things look 25 years later? How good was the idea at all? Did it achieve what it was aiming for? And where is room for amelioration?
These questions were discussed by an expert panel under the moderation of Armin Himmelrath on Deutschlandfunk on 23 November 2024. Johanna Witte (higher education researcher and visiting researcher at our professorship), Dr. Andreas Keller (member of the GEW board) and Clara Gutjahr (sociologist at the Technical University of Darmstadt and co-editor of the book "Organisierte Halbbildung: Studieren 25 Jahre nach der Bologna-Reform") also interacted live with the audience.
Facing heavy criticism of the Bologna Process, Johanna Witte emphasized the advantages and opportunities for students and universities. She advocated maintaining and strengthening international openness and cooperation, especially in times of burgeoning nationalism.
You can listen to the Campus & Career program "25 years of Bologna Process: How well is the European Higher Education Area working?" on Deutschlandfunk.