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Center for Higher Education

News 2023

New Publication

Higher Education Policies and Interdisciplinarity in Germany

Journal issues placed side by side, next to it the lettering Tertiary Education and Management © HdHf​/​TU Dortmund
Leišytė, L., Rose, A.-L., & Sterk-Zeeman, N. (2022). Higher education policies and interdisciplinarity in Germany. Tertiary Education and Management, 28(4).

In their article, Prof. Liudvika Leišytė, Anna-Lena Rose and Nadine Sterk-Zeeman explore the extent to which different higher education policy instruments are used to promote interdisciplinarity in teaching and research at universities in the German higher education system comparing them across different federal states.

Based on a content analysis of higher education laws and performance agreements with universities, the authors are able to show how policy instruments and approaches to promote interdisciplinarity at universities differ across the states and that there is no one size fits all approach used in this regard.

The contribution offers a novel mapping of policies promoting interdisciplinarity in German higher education and hereby contributes to the extant literature on interdisciplinarity in higher education.

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