Hot off the Press: Edward Elgar Research Handbook on the Transformation of Higher Education

We are very delighted that the Research Handbook on the Transformation in Higher Education, co-edited by Prof. Liudvika Leišytė, has now been published!
Featuring 27 contributions by researchers around the world, the Research Handbook offers a multi-layered perspective on the transformation process in higher education and identifies key aspects and methods of the transformational change that leaders can apply to their own institutions.
The Research Handbook on the Transformation of Higher Education not only illustrates the scope, process and pace of higher education transformation, it also captures the complexities and paradoxes associated with higher education transformation. Drawing on recent empirical and theoretical research, it highlights the drivers, actors, developments and outcomes of transformation processes in the field.
This comprehensive Research Handbook will be a valuable resource for academics and doctoral scholars studying educational policy, public administration and organization studies. Higher education administrators and those in leadership positions within colleges and universities will additionally find it to be an enlightening read.