GfHf Annual Conference 2022 in Vienna

Prof. Liudvika Leišytė, member of the GfHf board, will chair the session "Challenges in the pathway of students and graduates" on 15 September.
Prof. Jay R. Dee will give a presentation entitled "Becoming an entrepreneurial research university: The impact on professors, teaching, and learning".
Panourgias Papaioannou will present at the HoFoNa Ideas Forum insights from his master's thesis titled "Digitalization strategies in HEIs: A mean to respond to the needs of students, staff, and the society".
Sude Peksen, member of the HoFoNa board, will accompany the Ideas Forum and the poster presentation of early career researchers in the field of higher education.
The theme of the 17th Annual Conference of the Society for Research on Higher Education (GfHf) is "New times – old strategies? Changes in demand for studies, students' needs and requirements for graduates" and will be held on 15 – 16 September in Vienna. More about the GfHf Annual Conference can be found on the conference website.