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Center for Higher Education

News 2022


The Influence of University's HRM Practices on Female Academics' Progression

New journal article by Liudvika Leišytė & Sude Pekşen.
Illustration of the journal article: Name of the journal (in large green letters), authors and title of the article (in a smaller gray font)

Platform Capitalism in Higher Education

Invited talk by Prof. Liudvika Leišytė at Sciences Po Paris.
Multiple white zeros and ones in 3D.

Teaching and Research Activities of Internationally Mobile Academics

Presentation by Prof. Liudvika Leišytė at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Announcement poster of the symposium "Is Academic Mobility Gendered?". White font on blue background with the title of the symposium and the venues at the University of Lausanne.

Organizational Culture and the Transformation of Higher Education Institutions

Invitation to the guest talk by Prof. Jay R. Dee.
Announcement flyer of the talk including a portrait photo of Prof. Jay R. Dee

HERSS Summer School

Prof. Liudvika Leišytė successfully co-organized the HERSS Summer School 2022 on Transformation of Higher Education.
Group photo: Prof. Liudvika Leišytė, Prof. Tessa Flatten, and Prof. Uwe Wilkesmann – in the background the opening presentation

GfHf Annual Conference 2022 in Vienna

The team of the professorship participates in the GfHf Annual Conference.
General conference logo: The letterings "Konferenz" (in dark green and light green) and "Conference" (in orange and light green) whereby the words overlap

Start of the New Project STARK

New project funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre.
Illustration: a green light bulb with luminous rays, next to it the lettering STARK (students as agents of change)

We Welcome Prof. Dr. Jay R. Dee from UMass Boston

Visiting guest professor from the US at our professorship.
Portrait photo of Prof. Dr. Jay R. Dee

EAIR Annual Forum 2022

Presentation by Dr. Lina Zenkienė on joint program quality practice in the EHEA.
First slide of the presentation with conference logo, title of the presentation and a photo of the spectral rings at TU Dortmund University.

Coming soon...

We are looking forward to the HERSS international doctoral summer school!
Logo: HERSS Summer School

New Video on the Professorship of Higher Education

Prof. Liudvika Leišytė introduces her professorship.
Making-of photo during the creation of the video about the professorship: in the foreground is the video camera, in the background is Prof. Liudvika Leisyte

Teaching-Research Nexus in the Lithuanian Higher Education

New book chapter by Liudvika Leišytė, Sude Peksen & Anna-Lena Rose.
Opened book

Triple Helix Conference 2022

Presentation by Dr. Lina Zenkienė and Prof. Liudvika Leišytė on transnational university alliances.
First slide of the presentation for the Triple Helix Conference 2022

Keynote by Liudvika Leišytė at the Lithuanian Education Forum

Science and Studies in Lithuania in the European Context – Are We Moving Towards Humboldt?
Logo: Lithuanian Education Forum – Science and Studies in Lithuania in the European Context

Framings and Contestations of Artificial Intelligence

Invitation to the guest talk by Dr. Inga Ulnicane.
Announcement flyer of the talk

AABS Conference 2022

Presentation by Prof. Liudvika Leišytė on gender inequalities in universities.
The word presentation, a white P in a green circle, the rest of the lettering is green

Performance Management Under Surveillance Capitalism in Higher Education

New book chapter by Liudvika Leišytė.
Opened book

Funding for Performance in European Higher Education

Invitation to the guest talk by Dr. Ben Jongbloed.
Announcement flyer of the talk

Performance Management and Digitalization in Higher Education

Invited talk by Liudvika Leišytė at the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies.
Multiple white zeros and ones in 3D.

Panourgias Papaioannou: New Team Member

Welcome to the team!
Portrait photo of Panourgias Papaioannou

Extending the Conceptualization of Strategic Actorhood

Invitation to the online guest talk by Prof. Jeroen Huisman.
Announcement flyer of the talk

University Management and the Voice of Academics in Lithuania

Invited talk at the University of Hong Kong.
Announcement poster for the talk "University Management and the Voice of Academics in Lithuania" with the portrait photo of Prof. Liudvika Leisyte, in the background are the European and Lithuanian flags

zhb Higher Education Research Colloquium

Invitation to the talks in the summer semester 2022.
Announcement card for the talks at the research colloquium in the summer semester 2022

7th HERSS Summer School, 26 – 30 September 2022

Program now published – Application deadline: 15 February 2022
Logo HERSS Summer School

Missed the HE Colloquium?

Presentation by Prof. Anna Kosmützky and Dr. Romy Wöhlert now available online.
Screenshot of the online presentation by Prof. Anna Kosmützky and Dr. Romy Wöhlert at the zhb Higher Education Research Colloquium

Courses for the Summer Semester 2022

We are looking forward to your applications!
Four students are sitting on the grass and looking in a book.

Collaborative Research Projects

Invitation to the online guest talk by Prof. Anna Kosmützky & Dr. Romy Wöhlert.
Announcement flyer of the talk

News 2021

A chalkboard with a white arrow on it