Work Satisfaction of Lithuanian Academics

This question will be answered by Anna-Lena Rose, Prof. Liudvika Leišytė, and Sude Peksen, based on the current results of the Lithuanian country study of the APIKS project at the EAIR Forum on 10 September.
The project "The Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society (APIKS)" investigates in a broad, international comparative study the working conditions in academia as well as the attitudes of academic and artistic staff at universities to issues in the fields of research, teaching, knowledge and technology transfer, and participation in university governance.
Anna-Lena Rose will present selected results of the APIKS-survey, which has been conducted among academics at ten Lithuanian public universities.
She will show that Lithuanian academics display high levels of dissatisfaction, especially regarding their salary, career prospects, and independence in research, while perceiving high levels of managerialism at their universities at the same time.