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Center for Higher Education
New Book Chapter

Emotions in Higher Education Entrepreneurship Engineering Education

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Rose, A.-L., Leišytė, L., Haertel, T., & Terkowsky, C. (2020). Zur Bedeutung von Emotionen in der hochschulischen Entrepreneurship Engineering Education. In I. Isenhardt, M. Petermann, M. Schmohr, A. E. Tekkaya, & U. Wilkesmann (Eds.), Lehren und Ler­nen in den Ingenieurwissenschaften (pp. 129-143). Bielefeld: wbv Media.

Emotions are omnipresent in all educational and socialization processes and are also relevant for entrepreneurship education. Based on a case study of two university courses, the authors present in this chapter which types of emotions can arise in entrepreneurship education at universities and in which contexts they are evoked.

Book chapter