zhb Higher Education Research Colloquium

Within the scope of the zhb Higher Education Research Colloquium, we invite national and international researchers and experts to present their research findings regarding different aspects of university transformation.
In the coming months , we will host four talks with speakers from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany.
Dr. Anneleen Mortier, Dr. Lien Wille und Eva Steenberghs (Centre for Research & Development Monitoring (ECOOM), Ghent University, Belgium) will compare academic and non-academic career paths of doctoral holders using a gender perspective.
Dr. Veronica Junjan (University of Twente, the Netherlands) will reflect on the introduction of Challenge-Based Learning in master level teaching at universities.
Prof. Dr. Tina Seufert (University of Ulm, Germany) will talk about the opportunities and challenges of Virtual Reality in higher education.
Finally, Dr. Katrin Stolz (TU Dortmund University, Germany) will speak about developments towards the digitalization of teaching and learning in the German Higher Education system.
The talks take place either in hybrid mode (on-site location: CDI building, room 114) or online via Zoom.
All interested parties – including members of other departments, students, and externals – are cordially invited to participate in the colloquia.