Prof. Leišytė presented the InterHEd project at New York University

At the I-Cafe ‘Intersectionality in Action: Transforming Well-being in Education & Business’ at NYU SPS Intersectionality Lab (I-Lab), Prof. Liudvika Leišytė and Jun.-Prof. Daniela Giménez Jiménez (Junior Professorship of Entrepreneurship at TU Dortmund University) shared their research findings from current projects that are aligned with UN SDG 3 on Health and Well-being.
Prof. Leišytė presented the InterHEd project and illustrated that anchoring intersectionality in teaching and learning at universities contributes to more inclusive and diverse universities – and thus to better well-being for students and teachers. By encouraging deeper dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders at universities in four European countries, the aim of InterHEd is to develop novel methodologies for professional development of teachers and to innovate course design in ways that drive systems-level change.
The event was a success and the inspiring presentations were well received by the participants. We are very excited that the InterHEd initiative attracted such a great interest and look forward to further collaboration and a fruitful scientific exchange.