Prof. Leišytė and Prof. Wilkesmann Honored with TU Dortmund Internationalization Award in Research

36 young researchers from 16 different countries participated in the Summer School in Higher Education Research and Science Studies (HERSS) in 2022.
The international summer school 2022 was organized by the Center for Higher Education (zhb) and hosted by Prof. Dr. Liudvika Leišytė and Prof. Dr. Uwe Wilkesmann. According to the Vice Rector International Affairs at TU Dortmund University, Prof. Dr. Tessa Flatten, the HERSS Summer School 2022 'made an important contribution to locating TU Dortmund University in the international research landscape and gave numerous researchers from all over the world the opportunity to get to know and appreciate Dortmund as a research location'.
Liudvika Leišytė and Uwe Wilkesmann were honored and grateful to receive the prize at the award ceremony at the 27th Gambrinus Forum on 30 October 2023. They discussed their international commitment and shared their ideas regarding internationalization of research at TU Dortmund University in the Forum's panel discussion.