International Perspectives on Transforming Management of Higher Education
Leišytė, L. & Želvys, R. (Eds.). (2021). International perspectives on transforming management of higher education [Special issue]. Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, 46.
The special issue consists of ten articles covering higher education systems from across the world. The contributors specifically build on the contributions from the Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society project conference, which was held at Vilnius University on 20–21 August 2020 and was co-organized by Prof. Liudvika Leišytė and Prof. Rimantas Želvys (Vilnius University) and their doctoral candidates.
While some articles draw on the APIKS project, focusing on governance and management of higher education, others are discussing the transformation of the academic profession and the broader transformations that our higher education systems are facing today.