Do Gender and Interaction Matter in Quality Evaluation of Digital Learning Systems?

In their article, Mehwish Waheed (a former postdoctoral researcher, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) and Liudvika Leišytė present a study that aims to investigate the difference in students' satisfaction with the quality characteristics of the digital learning systems with regards to gender and frequency of interaction between students and between students and teachers. A cross-sectional online quantitative survey was used to collect data from English language business administration and social sciences online master' students at eight German and Swedish Universities.
The study shows that in both German and Swedish settings male students are more satisfied with the quality characteristics of digital learning systems.
Concerning students' interaction frequency with teachers and students, the study reveals a statistical difference in the German students' satisfaction with quality characteristics of digital learning systems – while no difference was found for Swedish students. German student respondents are active in their interaction with teachers and other students which is associated with their satisfaction with quality characteristics of digital learning systems.