Contributions to the SRHE International Conference 2024

Prof. Liudvika Leišytė presented the results of an international longitudinal study of collective resistance in academia at the SRHE International Conference in Nottingham, focusing in particular on resistance platforms and academic labor unions.
Nina Bieling shared the findings from the HdHf team on the influence of (inter)disciplinary research orientation towards academic identities in European higher education systems. The study uses a comparative analysis of representative data from the international APIKS project. Nina Bieling's participation in the conference was supported by a grant from HoFoNa (Hochschulforschungsnachwuchs – early career researchers) of the German Society for Higher Education Research (GfHf).
The SRHE International Conference 2024 was dedicated to the theme 'Higher Education: A Place for Activism and Resistance?' and provided an excellent platform to discuss the Professorship's research findings on transformations in academia.