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Center for Higher Education


Logo: APIKS – The Role of the Academic Profession in the Knowledge Society © HdHf​/​TU Dortmund

As the coordinator of the Lithuanian country study of APIKS project, prof. Leišytė participated in the Hana-Academy organized workshop on "The Role of the Academic Profession in the Knowledge Society" on 30 January.

At the workshop the permanent secretary of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, the CEO of the Hanaholmen Foundation, university managers from Sweden and Finland and other stakeholders of higher education discussed the changing financing of higher education and the future of the academic profession in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Prof. Liudvika Leišytė commented on prof. Urich Teichler's keynote and participated in the panel discussion on APIKS project findings.

APIKS-Workshop 2020 in Espoo