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Center for Higher Education

InterHEd project honored at the "Global Gallery 2024"

Group photo: Prof. Tessa Flatten presents the certificate for second place to the InterHEd project team at the Global Gallery 2024 © Martina Hengesbach​/​TU Dortmund
Prof. Tessa Flatten, Vice President International Affairs (left), presented the certificate for second place to the team of the InterHEd project.

19 international projects were presented at the third "Global Gallery" at TU Dortmund University. During a gallery walk, visitors were invited to find out about the projects and vote for their favorites.

The Professorship of Higher Education presented the new international project "InterHEd – Intersectionality in Higher Education", which is funded as part of the European Union's Erasmus+ program and is anchored at the Department of Business and Economics.

The InterHEd project aims to raise the awareness of the importance of intersectionality in teaching and learning in higher education in Germany, Spain, France and Poland. The project team at TU Dortmund University develops novel professional development tools for academics to facilitate and reflect on intersectionality in their teaching practices. Further, it aims to innovate teaching and learning in management education through student led research projects drawing on intersectional approaches.

The project team is thrilled and grateful to the supporters at the Global Gallery who voted for the InterHEd project, Vice President Prof. Tessa Flatten, and the International Office!