Managerial Control and Professional Autonomy of Academic Staff

This question will be the focus of the presentation that Prof. Liudvika Leišytė will give at the APIKS conference at Hiroshima University on 3 February 2024.
In the context of the APIKS project (The Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society), Prof. Liudvika Leišytė, Sude Pekşen and Anna-Lena Rose have drawn on comparative APIKS survey data to investigate the relationships between the degree of managerialism, control over academic activities such as teaching and research, and the degree of professional autonomy.
The findings of this study highlight the significant role of administrators and senior staff in shaping academic work, which indicates a shift towards more centralized decision-making processes. Moreover, the results show notable differences in the perception of managerialism between Baltic and Balkan states.
The APIKS conference 2024 is hosted by the Research Institute for Higher Education (RIHE), University of Hiroshima, Japan focusing on 'Changes in the Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society and International Comparison'.