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Center for Higher Education

News 2023

Prof. Leišytė Nominated for the Newly Created Transfer Advisory Board of TU Dortmund University

Panoramic view of the North Campus with the math tower and the cafeteria. © Nikolas Golsch​/​TU Dortmund
The transfer and utilization of scientific findings are one the core tasks of TU Dortmund University to fulfil its third mission. The newly formed Transfer Advisory Board will initiate interdisciplinary cooperations within the university in order to strengthen transfer and also promote cooperation with external partners.

Prof. Liudvika Leišytė represents the Faculty of Business and Economics in the new advisory board that the Center for Entrepreneurship & Transfer (CET) and the Rectorate have established at the end of the year 2022.

One of Prof. Leišytė's research areas is the exploration of start-up and transfer activities at universities and she is looking forward to contributing to the entrepreneurial culture at TU Dortmund.