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Center for Higher Education

Triple Helix Conference 2022

Zenkienė, L. & Leišytė, L. (2022). University alliances: How transnational collaboration facilitates and/or inhibits regional relevance, Florence, Italy, 29 June.

In their presentation, Dr. Lina Zenkienė and Prof. Dr. Liudvika Leišytė discuss the case of Lithuanian university engagement in transnational alliances under the European University Initiative. The speakers analyse how these networked universities interpret the Third Mission and the regional relevance, the strategies they use to tackle regional development issues, and the dynamics of relations between universities and external partners to promote innovations that focus on regional needs.

The 20th Triple Helix Conference is dedicated to the topic 'Governing new and traditional partnerships for innovation and development in the post-pandemic world'. For more information, please see the conference program.